
Action/Prayer: Lift your hands to heaven everybody this morning and let’s give glory to God. From the depth of our heart, give him the praise, the glory, the honor, the adoration and celebrate him. Thank him first for the word that we have heard this morning, the first two sessions of God’s word have come with power, transformative power, supernatural power. Will you give thanks unto God. If you have been blessed already, thank him. If you have been blessed this morning, thank him from the depth of your heart, give him the praise, give him the glory, give him the honor, give him the adoration. Lord, we have come to say Thank you. We have come to glorify your holy name. You are worthy of all the praise, of all the glory, of all the honor, of all the adoration. Blessed be your holy name.

Why not ask him right now, Lord speak to me again. In this session, I have come to hear your voice, I have come to receive your light, I have come to encounter your word, speak directly to me. By your word today, let your word establish my change of story. Thank you mighty God and blessed be your holy name in Jesus precious name we have prayed.

Lord Jesus, this morning, we have come before you, grateful and thankful for all of your goodness. For your word that has come to us this morning, we say thank you. Lord we are here before you again asking that you speak to us one more time, by your word let every one of our lives be transformed. Let this convention answer to its name in the lives of every one participants. We thank you because we know you have done it already, in Jesus precious name we have prayed. Somebody believe it, say a loud amen. Give Jesus a big hand of praise and please you may be seated. If that hand is for Jesus, it will be bigger, he’s worthy of all the glory and of all the honor. Praise God!


We give God glory for his word that has come to us powerfully in the first and second session. And I believe God that for each one of us, your life shall continue to be transformed in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I want to appreciate God and his servant, the apostle over this commission, my father, for this opportunity to share God’s word in this session. And I trust God that the grace of God at work in the life of our father will be at work here again in the name of Jesus. Somebody believe say a loud amen.

Alright, our running caption in our teaching series all through AYAC 2023 is Spirituality is the highway to our enviable destiny.

It is important that we are reminded again that in the program of God,the last days are the glorious days of the church. In His program, in his agenda, the last days are the most glorious days of the church. This is vital and important. Eph 5: 27, He says that, Jesus is coming back for a glorious church-

That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.

Infact, every child of God according to scriptures is ordained for manifestation of the glory of God. Rom 8: 29

For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.


Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.

Declaration: Say with me, I’m ordained for glory. Common say it like you mean it, I’m ordained for glory.

But from Jesus we see in scriptures the pattern through which that glory is established. In John 12: 23,

And Jesus answered them, saying, The hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified.


Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.

So, there is no glory without dedication. Dedication is the foundation of glorification. Where dedication is absent, glorification is absent. There is no life that can be glorified by God until that life is dedicated unto God. It is dedication to God that produces glorification by God. And Jesus showed us that by example. And the example of Jesus is our perfect or pattern example. Heb 12: 2

Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

So, according to scriptures, Jesus is our pattern example and Jesus showed us that when it comes to glorification, the pathway to actualising it is dedication.

What is Dedication?

  1. Dedication is self denial in pursuit of the interest of the kingdom. Mark 8: 34-35

And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.


For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it.

Let him deny himself. Take note of this, this morning. Every genuine discipleship is at the cost of self denial. Our followership of Christ must cost us for it to pay us. The reason why many believers are unprofitable in their walk with God is because they are not willing to pay the cost of discipleship. There is a cost to it. And the principal cost of discipleship is Self denial. But the bible makes us to understand in Luke 18: 28-30, Peter asked Jesus a question,

Then Peter said, Lo, we have left all, and followed thee.


And he said unto them, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or parents, or brethren, or wife, or children, for the kingdom of God’s sake,


Who shall not receive manifold more in this present time, and in the world to come life everlasting.

In other words, there is nothing that serving or following God costs you that it will not pay you more than. No matter what the cost is , the return of it is far greater than the cost.

Prayer: I pray this morning that for every one of us both here and gathered at various locations, I pray that the grace to pay the cost of stewardship, to pay the cost of self denial, Ipray that, that grace will come afresh upon us. Somebody believes it say a loud amen. I said that, that grace will come afresh upon us.

So, there must be self denial for anyone to claim to be dedicated. I can’t forget I had an encounter in 2008, just in the month of June. And I recall there, God told me something and that has stuck with me, ‘He said, there are consequences for higher ground’. Those who will scale height don’t carry load, there are things to drop, there are things to let go, there are things to shave off, there are things to cut off. They may look beneficial, they may look convenient, but hear this, no man walking with God can make the most of his adventure in the corridor of convenience. You must be willing to deny yourself, and he began to list to me certain things to deny myself off. From that year, in 2008, this is 2023, everyone of those self denials are still active till tomorrow.

There is a cost but the pay is far greater than the cost.

Prayer: My prayer today is that for somebody hearing my voice, the grace to pay that cost of self denial, may that grace come afresh in our lives.

  1. Dedication is all about being dead to self and alive to God. Rom 6: 10

For in that he died, he died unto sin once: but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God.


Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.

So, the bible tells us there about the mystery of death, death to yourself. He said, ‘Reckon yourself to be dead, but alive unto God’. That’s dedication. Being dead to self and being alive unto God. In Phil 3:10

That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;

Most of us like to end the scripture at that point. If I say that I may know him, everybody will say by the power of his resurrection. But look at what follows next, it’s still in the same verse, let’s read it together, and what.., and the fellowship of his sufferings, you see now, people’s voice is now getting dimmer and dimmer, lower and lower. Let’s move to the next one, being made conformable unto his death;

It’s all in the same verse, but everyone will take, ‘And that I may know him and the power of his resurrection’, but there is a pathway to it. It is the pathway of dedication. the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;

There is something that must die for what God has planted in you to live. That’s where dedication comes into play. Dead to self and alive to God.

Prayer: I pray this morning that via the encounter we are having upon this mountain, the grace to be dedicated, that means to have a deadly commitment to God, I pray that tht grace will come alive in each one of us. Somebody believe it say the loudest amen.

  1. Dedication is all about making one’s life a seed unto God.

And this is what empowers believers for generational impact. Psalms 22: 30

A seed shall serve him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation.

It Takes serving God as a seed to make the most of one’s adventure on the earth, making your life a seed. This is not about giving God your money, it is about giving God your self.

God’s servant calls this, the mystery of the greatest seed. Hear what the scripture says, Prov 23: 26, He says, My son, give me your heart. Not give me your cash, give me your heart. God is interested in us as seeds. It is when a man is giving to God as a seed that whatever he gives to God then carries weight with God. It is giving yourself as a seed.

Prayer: I pray this morning again, that for each one of us. The grace for genuine, unquestionable, unshakable dedication will come afresh upon each one of us.

God’s servant said that while he was a student, one of his teachers got so concerned, he said, ‘ David, if you are going to be a preacher, be a preacher, if you are going to be a student, be a student, and he said, ‘Hold it, I am a full time Christain and a part time student. My identity with Christ is of greater priority to me than my identity as a student. That’s what it means. You are giving yourself completely as a seed.

Prayer: I pray again this morning, that grace for this will come afresh upon each one of us

It is important to know that dedication to God and the interest of his kingdom is the mystery behind the rise of giants in the kingdom. If you want the giant in you to rise, the platform for the rise of the giant in you is dedication. Phil 2: 5-11

Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:


Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:


But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:


And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.


Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:


That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;


And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

So Jesus’s ascension into the realm of impact was the product of dedication. That means that if you and I are going to rise in impact, then we must stoop into dedication. It takes a seed being planted for it to rise on the earth, in the same vain, it takes a life being dedicated for it to rise into prominence. Quickly this morning:

What are some of the key areas for us to ensure our dedication?

It is important to know that we have to take a business approach to our service to God. Jesus said that I must be about my Father’s business. Now, what are the areas of dedication? We will look at a few of them before we move further in this teaching:

  1. Praying kingdom advancement prayers.

Jesus taught us to pray in Matt 6: 9-13. And he told us the priority of prayer, ‘Our Father who art in heaven, thy kingdom come’. Making the kingdom of God a priority in prayer is one of the platforms or areas of our dedication to God. This is so important. So many people are consumed with themselves on the altar of prayer. Lord, help me, lord lift me, lord favor me, lord bless me, lord decorate me, lord advance me, but you discover that those who are dedicated to the advancement, the promotion, the decoration of the kingdom never lack decoration from God. I have discovered that the cheapest way to enjoy a colorful life is to put the kingdom of God as a priority in your heart. Matt 6: 33

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you

When you go to spend time in prayer and fasting, what are you praying for? Some of us go to different places, go to the mountain, say we are waiting on the Lord, what are you waiting on the Lord for?

Most of the time you find individuals consume with self, and when you are consumed with self you will lose out on God. So, we must become dedicated, dedicated to the advancement of the kingdom of God . In Matt 6: 6

But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.

You see, prayers can either attract answers or it can attract rewards. God answers our prayers but God rewards our praying. As we stay engaging in the advancement of the kingdom of God, he begins to reward your prayers.

And hear this it will help you and help me, you must understand that there are more needs in your life than you can pray for, there are more areas of your life than you can touch in prayer. When you start pushing the kingdom, God starts touching what you can’t even touch in prayer. There are too many things that you and I can not see, and as we stand on the altar of prayer, you find God touching the various departments of our lives that we cannot touch by ourselves.

Prayer: I pray this morning for each one of us, that a fresh prayer grace will come upon each one of our lives. If you believe it, say the loudest Amen. I say if you believe it, say the loudest amen.

We were told in the first teaching, Jesus gave us the instructions or the examples about prayers and made us to understand that man ought always to pray and not to faint. Luk 18: 1

So, prayer is an always responsibility. Somebody says, what should we always be praying for in prayer? Eph 6: 18

Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

I want you praying always with all prayers, but this prayers I want you praying is not to focus on yourself. He even put there, Prayer and supplication. Most of us know supplication to be, it is time for me, i have prayed for everything else, now supplication is my turn. But here he told us here, he said Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

Not yourself. So, our prayer engagement is not expected to be self consumed, it is expected to be kingdom focused.

Prayer: I pray again today, that by the encounter that you are having this morning, a fresh prayer grace is coming upon your life . Somebody believe it say a loud amen.

  1. Passionate pursuit after souls

It’s another area of dedication. Jesus speaking in Jn 15: 16

Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.

So, we are expected to be passionate in our pursuit of the lost.

Question: When there is no operation, are you still operating?These are all indications of the genuineness of our dedication. So many of us wait for external stimulation, and then after that, everybody closes down.

We went through the midst of the years, June, July. We went after souls across our churches, did it end when the operation ended? No. There is a demand for us to continue. We must remain persistent, we must remain consistent, we must remain fervent in our pursuit after the lost.

Action: Shout Hallelujah! I said Shout Hallelujah!

And so we must be dedicated in the pursuit of souls. Jesus said in Jn15: 1-2

I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman.


Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.

So, our commitment, our dedication is what God requires and it must have indication in our pursuit of the lost. I’ll like each one of us to determine from now, form this mountain, that going after the lost will become a lifestyle. I want you to know that no matter what your field of endeavor is, God sent you there for the lost . In that workplace, in that school, you are there so that lives can be snatched from hell and brought into the kingdom of God. In the business field were you are, you are not just there just to get money, you are there to get souls. That is the assignment that God put us on the earth for.

Prayer: And I pray today that grace will come upon each one of us to effectively deliver this task in the name of Jesus Christ. You believe say a Loud Amen.

So,don’t wait, don’t wait for any operation to be mentioned again, get on the go, wherever you are, dive after the lost, make it a consistent lifestyle. And when you do, you find God beginning to decorate you, beginning to change your story, beginning to elevate you.

Prayer: I pray that that will be somebody’s experience here today in the name of Jesus.

I have made it for myself a continuous thing, every single week out there on the go, diving into the harvest field, just rushing after the loss and we have seen God doing strange things as we have invaded various harvest fields.

Prayer: From today, I see that becoming somebody’s experience from now

  1. Engagement with the follow up of converts.

Jesus gave us an assignment, not just to go after the lost but to ensure they abide Jn 15: 16, that they remain, that they settle down, that they take root downwards and that they bear fruit upward. Paul speaking in Acts 15:36

And some days after Paul said unto Barnabas, Let us go again and visit our brethren in every city where we have preached the word of the Lord, and see how they do.

That’s following up. Every soul that we go after for salvation must be in pursuit for establishment. I’d like for us to understand that Jesus did not send us to make converts, he sent us to make disciples and that requires active follow up.

Prayer: I see grace coming up for us in Jesus name.

  1. Commitment to any service unit of our choice.

These are all areas of dedication. You heard a sister share her testimony. She said that she was lost serving God, not only running after souls,not only praying kingdom advancement prayers, but even in her service unit. She said she just escorted some people out, some of her converts out, to see them off and by the time she returned to her service unit, somebody said, Gift, shouldn’t you be in school? You are out of school? She didn’t ask a question. She said she smiled and he took responsibility from there. And from her service came the first graduate in the family. You don’t know where God can take you until you commit yourself to serve God. Is someone hearing what God is saying? Get lost in serving him.

I tell people all the time, I gave my life to Christ when I was 9, we had a service unit in Children’s church then they call, the baby ushers, we were one of those who started the baby ushers. Started ushering from there, got to the teens church, became a member of the choir. Got back to adult, became a member of the ushers. Just serving from one level to the other. When I got ordained as pastor, I didn’t know I was supposed to come down to this area, so I reported back to my service unit after the operation. Went back to the ushering department with my badge ready to continue ushering. They said,’Oh, you are suppose to be at the honor entrance to serve there’. Hear this and hear it very well.

Prayer: Anything that will make your head too big to serve God may it not come on your head.

Get lost serving God, get commited serving God.

I remember when in a particular church where I was doing my masters , and in the church a service unit was announced, that they were launching a service unit. So, myself and my friend, two of us went there and we were the only two that registered to be in that service unit and all through our time in that church, the service unit it was only two of us. We did everything. If we are not around, the unit is not around. We did everything, consistently, nobody knew who we were but we were serving God.

Don’t serve for people’s observation. No. Serve for dedication.

Prayer: May the Lord grant us grace for this in the name of Jesus.

  1. Engagement with WSF operations.

This is another platform for service. Serving God in our home cells, as a cell minister, as an assistant, as a secretary. Just engaging yourself with passion, serving God at that level. The bible makes it clear to us that , Heb 6: 10

For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor of love,

So, we serve God at all levels including our opportunity to serve at the home cells. He said that, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.

Please hear this, that you are not a pastor does not mean you are not to be a monster. Every believer is to be a minister. Heb 5: 12

For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again

Every believer is to be a minister. You shouldn’t be in a home cell and they say the cell is to replicate and they are looking for a minister and you are still there. You are there so you can be an instrument in the hands of God.

Prayer: I pray again that for each one of us, God will grant us this grace to be addicted to serving him. You believe it to say a loud amen.

Here in Canaanland, all of us, myself included, we are in home cell, ministering. I have a home cell that I minister. I drive in my cell. I do all that is required for me to be effective in service at that level. It is so important for us to understand that every opportunity to serve is where God is checking and testing us, and it’s what he finds in us that determines what he makes of us. Prayer: Somebody here today will be made by God. If You believe it say a loud amen

  1. Financial investment at our various levels.

You can’t serve God without using your resources. So many people are willing to do anything except that one. We heard the National Youth pastor share with us, he said, how that he was in fellowship, they were looking for instruments, he said nobody should raise funds again and took what they had in his account and gave it. It’s important to know that, in the kingdom, opportunities are abundant. Nobody will call you, particular;y in this commission, nobody will call you.

But when you see something that is an opportunity, dive in. Is somebody getting it? When you see something that is an opportunity, dive in.

I remember that God’s servant gave a prophecy in 2010 while I was still in the UK. He gave this prophecy at the dedication of our church there that ‘There are many of you that churches like this you will build and hand over to the church’. And I said Amen. And I noted it down. It was in November 2010. I took down that note that one day I will build churches and I kept it as a prophetic word and I remember one day while deployed here to Canaanland I was going through applications from various locations and documents. And one of the zones said that we require the finishing of this zone. We have built it to a particular level, now we want the church to come and finish it. So I took it. Immediately, I saw that paper, the Holyspirit told me ‘this is your opportunity. So, I took the paper, I kept it aside, and I said go and do estimation and when they did the estimation, the estimation was bigger than what I planned for. So, I said Ehh! But the Holy Spirit has told me,This is your opportunity. So, I said what do I do now? And suddenly he signaled to me, That your car, sell it. So, I took my car, sold it, built the zone. That was the first time I will be involved in the building of a church building. But it has not stopped since then, the blessings began to flow. Is somebody getting it? The blessing began to flow and God has been too faithful. Today, cars can not be a prayer point. I don’t need to pray to buy car. What was a heavy load then has become a light manna naow. To the glory of God, not only have I been involved in building now or finishing a zone but building churches from the foundation to the finishing. But, hear me, start where you are.

Somebody say, Ehh! When will it be my turn? Start with buying a chair. Start with taking your television and giving it to God. Start with taking paint to paint a particular area of the church, before you know it as you are taking steps, engaging your resources, you will see Godboosting you to new levels and new opportunities.

Prayer: I see that becoming somebody’s new experience here in the name of Jesus Christ.

What are the benefits of Dedication?

  1. Open rewards

The process of dedication may be secret but the result of dedication is always open. Nobody may see you in the time of your dedication but no one can ignore you in the time of your reward. The reward of dedication is always open.He said, ‘God whose you in secret will reward you openly. Mat 6: 6

  1. Divine protection.

The dedicated are protected. When you get committed to God, one of the effects of it is supernatural protection.

I remember in 2015, I was driving down to church, early in the morning, coming down for Covenant hour of prayer and I was rushing down on that highway early in the morning, suddenly right in the middle of the road, there is a road in the UK, is called M25, about 6 lanes highway, in the middle of the road, my car turned back and began to face onward traffic. It just trend around and started facing onward traffic. Inside my heart, I knew it is GodI’m going to serve. I cannot die on the way. 18 wheeler trucks were coming in my direction, I Had the steering, steering were locked, pedals were locked, gear was locked, there was nothing I could do with the car. And I looked at oncoming traffic and then I breathed the word Jesus and the car turned on its own, facing the right way. Now, listen, I have never seen it, never have I heard, everything was locked, steering locked, gear locked, pedals locked, I couldn’t press anything. But the car from the middle of the road went on its own to the side of the road and parked. I switched off the car, switched it back on, steering was released, gear was released, pedals were released. The angels of God took over the vehicle and drove it on my behalf.

You can’t be driving for God and drive into trouble. Is somebody hearing what God is saying? Your protection is in your dedication. When a man or woman is dedicated to God, they are supernaturally protected by God. When God servant began to speak about the mystery of the 120 years, it entered into my spirit man and I realized , Look, there is no way except Jesus comes that I am going before 120. So, I started a principle that I call Living life by deduction, that you are counting your years up is like you don’t know when it will end . But If you are 40 now , for example and you are to go to 120, what is remaining, 80, so count down instead of just counting up. I Know the balance I cannot be robbed of the residue of my days. Is somebody getting it now? When you are serving God, you are protected, you are defended. You are insulated from all challenges.

Prayer: I don’t care what kind of troubles have been prevailing around your life, by your insulation, you shall enjoy divine protection. No matter how many other people are cut down, he said, A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.

That will be your testimony in the name of Jesus Christ.

  1. An ever flourishing life

Your life flourishes. When you are committed, dedicated to God, you begin to flourish on every side. The bible makes us to understand in Psalm 92: 13

Those that be planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God.

An ever flourishing life. That’s what has been behind this commission. Just Flourishing from one level to another, one dimension to another. That’s what you see in the life of God’s servant, our father, just flourishing from one level to the other. When you think everything has happened, something new happens again. He said, you will still bring forth fruit in old age. You will see supernatural things happening, results being provoked at every phase of life. That’s what it means. When you talk about a flourishing life, you talk about a life where there is no better yesterday. And that’s what we are seeing in God’s servant, our father. No better past tense. The past is good, the present is better and then the future is best. That’s what happens when you find a man that is planted and dedicated , a flourishing lifestyle.

Action: Shout Hallelujah!

  1. Divine honor

When you are dedicated to God, you are honored. Jn 12: 26

If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honour.

Hear me, you haven’t seen honor, until God is the one behind it. When God honors a man, no one can dishonor him.

Prayer: I pray again, that for each one of us, the honor of the almighty will come upon our lives.

  1. Platform for the rise of giants.

Giant rise at the instance of dedication. I watched God servant, our father. I discovered that one of the vital talbots of his life is an unusual dedication to God. He’s completely sold out to Godand and like I said You can’t be sold out to God and not stand out in life. Many people are trying to reinvent the wheel, dedication is the pathway to elevation in this kingdom. If you want to see greatness, then be greatly dedicated to God. I would like us to know therefore this morning, you can choose to be different. And one of the vital keys that will make a difference in your adventure is the key of dedication. That means self denial, that means death to self and being alive to God

As you commit yourself to a life of dedication, I see each one of us experiencing the rise of giants in our lives in the name of Jesus. No one here will die a mediocre. As you commit to the demands of dedication, I see the giants in each one rising supernaturally, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. If you believe that is you, say the loudest amen. If you believe the giant is rising in you, say the loudest amen.

Action: Lift your hands to heaven and receive grace, grace for dedication. Lift your voice and pray that prayer from the depth of your heart, I receive grace. The grace to remain dedicated, to remain committed, to remain sold out to you, let that grace be made available. Thank you father, in Jesus’ precious name.

For you and I, when the news of giants are being listed in our generation, our names will not be exempted in the name of Jesus Christ.

Before we conclude this morning we cannot close without giving opportunity to those yet to have a relationship with Christ. Please hear this. For the world things are going to get worse and worse, but for those who belong to God, things are going to get better and better. We are entering into the realm where in the world it will be gross darkness,confusion on every side, that is why you must change sides. Wherever you are this morning, you are hearing my voice both here and across, anyone in any of our locations across the globe where you are yet to know Jesus As your Lord and savior, I want to give you an opportunity to get it right with God. Wherever you are, you want to become born again, you want to become a child of God, quickly stand on your feet, I want to pray with you. God bless you. Is somebody clapping for Jesus?as these precious people rise everywhere. God bless you. Don’t let anything hold you down, get it right with Jesus once and for all

Those who need to rededicate their life to Christ. Something has gone wrong along the way, You know it inside your heart, but you know that you need to get it right. Something has gone wrong, your fire has gone down, your love has gone cold and you say I want to rededicate my life to Jesus. I want to be restored. I want to have a new beginning. Wherever you are, in that condition, also rise to your feet.

Altar call

Lord Jesus, I come to you today. I am a sinner, I can’t help myself. But I know you died for me, on the third day you rose again, just to save me. Jesus come into my life, take contolof me, from this day forward. I will follow you, no turning back. I will serve you, no turning back. Thank you Jesus for saving me. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen

Conclusion Prayer

Lord, I receive grace to walk in dedication.